
i would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone...


Hmm,...bingung mo posting apa. Gini nih kalo penyakit males dah kambuh *LOL* Arghh, capek. Kemarin disibukkan sama yang namanya hari Natal. Sampe lari-lari ke HL Markt gara-gara Papa lom beliin weihnachtsgeschenk buat Mama. Pas Malem natal nya kita sekeluarga ngumpul bagi-bagi hadiah natal. Dari Papa, jam weker berbentuk boneka Kikeriki yang bisa bunyi 'Guten Morgen' and ada angpao nya :) Dari Mama, pullover merah, scholoade, paket dari Dove. Dari Ferry, photo Schneekugel, and dari mas Anno, Parfum Mask II de Cartier *grin* Makasi hunny, makasi juga semuanya :)
Ya udah, gitu aja...sayah capek sekali :(

Es schneit

Hari ini turun salju. Bangun tidur turun kebawah trus beres-beres ruang tamu sekalian cek computer, buka gardine jendela...liat salju turun...hehehehe...jadi putih semua. Eh, media tanam hidrogel yang aku bawa dari indonesia jadi eis *hicks* blom sempet aku tanemin apa-apa dah jadi eis...huhuhuhu... Oh ya, beberapa hari ini ga posting nih, sibuk *gaya* Gini nih crita hari kemarin,...


Masih kerasa capeknya, samstag kemarin jalan-jalan ma mas Anno ke 'Malioboro' nya Bad Kreuznach *grins* Berangkat dari rumah agak kesiangan se, tapi masih sempet masak nasi goreng untuk sarapan. Naik bus, turun di Bahnhof trus jalan ke Eckenroth, beli tasse und unterhose buat Ferry. Trus jalan lagi ke Kaufhof nyari bra sport, akhirnya dapet juga, aku beli dua :D mas Anno sempet keabisan uang, trus mampir ke Volksbank deket situ. Abis tu masuk ke Norma Markt, beli snack und ablage. Trus jalan lagi ke Orsay beli langehose und pullover. Capek und kelaparan, mampir ke imbiss beli bratwurst. Makan bratwurst sambil duduk liatin orang orang berlalu lalang. Selesai makan trus masuk ke toko (aku lupa nama tokonya) beli lilin ama nescafe eis. Trus masuk ke cafe beli cacao buat ngangetin badan. Hari itu lumayan dingin, und yang paling serem tu anginnya yang dingin und kering, sampe ini bibir pecah-pecah padahal dah make labelo *hicks*. Selesai minum trus pulang. Capek banget, aku dah ga kuat jalan. Coba kalo ada becak kek di Indonesia, aku pasti langsung nyegat becak :P Sempet mampir beli phonecard, abis nunggu bus di Halte, dah ga sabar pengen nyampe rumah, istirahatin badan yang kecapekan. Nyampe rumah langsung ke kamar lepas jacke ma sepatu trus ambruk di tempat tidur, ketiduran sampe sore...hehehehe...
Oh ja, ga jadi nonton Herr der Ringe karena ngga kebagian platz nya, penuh se. Mungkin minggu depan kalo masih ada :D


Seperti biasa, hari minggu kumpul keluarga, Papa, Mama, mas Anno, Ferry und ich :P Ngobrol sana sini, sampe makan siang trus sore nya aku sama mama buat kue shockolade untuk Weinachten. Malemnya badanku sakit semua *hicks* tidur sambil dipijitin mas Anno. Kata mas Anno tidurku pules banget, hehehe...capek banget rasanya.


Hari ini aku pengen makan makanan yang pedes banget. Tapi bingung mo makan apa :( Akhirnya mutusin untuk beli Pizza di tempat Marina, tapi tutup. Trus mas Anno beli pizza yang blom mateng di HL Markt sama beli pudding :) Ngga lama mas Anno pulang. Ugh, badannya dingin banget, apalagi pas nyium pipiku, kek ditempelin eis :D
Sore, mama pulang kerja langsung cabut lagi belanja untuk Badezimmer di Hella Markt. Jalanan rame banget, sana sini macet *huh* Sebelumnya jemput Ferry di Michelin langsung ke Hella Markt. Kesana kemari liat ini liat itu, aku capek...kakiku pegel pegel. Heran deh, aku sekarang cepet banget capeknya. Kerasanya ngga enak banget dibadan, apalagi di punggung, pinggang und kakiku...ugghh, sebel deh ih. Keluar dari Hella Markt, trus ke Media Markt mo beli cd program untuk papa, tapi sayang lom ada, next month :P Oh ya, papa beli notebook baru, tadi barangnya dah nyampe. Yah, satu computer keluar, satu masuk lagi, semakin sesak saja rumah ini, rumah kabel *LOL*
Ups, hari ini buat kue lagi :)

Hari ini mas Anno ku pulang trus libur 2 minggu...jadi seneng, tiap hari ditemenin, meski cuma 2 minggu :) Ntar sore jemput di Bahnhof, moga moga aja ngga telat. Rasanya kangennnnn banget. Oh ya, besok rencananya mo jalan-jalan sama mas Anno ke Bad Kreuznach, mo belanja :P Hmm, apa aja ya...tapi yang penting celana panjang ato kalo ga rok buat aku, celanaku dah ga muat semua *hicks* dah ndut nih :D Trus beli bra, beli lilin, beli...oh aku pengen beli mug yang ada tutupnya, trus beli apalagi ya...hehehe...*ups* geschenk buat Ferry, rencananya juga mo kita beliin celana dalem...hihihi...jadi inget iklan di TV, anak kecil yg dikasih geschenk ma orang tua nya berupa celana dalam, trus ngambek mecahin guci *LOL* ntar Ferry gitu ga ya? aduhh...jangan jangan malah mecahin piring nih...hahahaha. Eh, acara nonton bareng film Herr der Ringe di Kino jadi ga ya? Hmm, kalo hari ini, mungkin aku bisa ikut, tapi kalo Samstag besok keknya ngga deh, bakalan kecapekan nih, kesian dong ama yang diperut :)
Hmm, apalagi yang kurang ya, takutnya kalo dah ditempat perbelanjaan lupa apa aja yang mo dibeli *huh* Hmm, mungkin itu dulu deh. Duhh, kok aku capek banget rasanya...mo istirahat dulu ah.

1e99x...muachhh...my hunny... ich vermisse dich so sehr

Islamic Charta

1. Islam is the religion of Peace
"Islam" simultaneously means peace and submission. Thus, Islam is considered the religion in which, through voluntary submission to God, human beings find peace with themselves and their environment. Historically, Islam - next to Judaism and Christianity - is one of three monotheistic world religions founded in the Near East. Continuing the sequence of divine revelations, Islam has much in common with the other two religions.

2. We believe in a merciful God
Muslims believe in God whom, like Arab Christians, they call "Allah". He - the God of Abraham and of all other prophets - is One and Unique, not limited by time or space. He is the uncaused cause of all being, defeating any attempt at definition: transcendent and immanent, just and merciful. It is He Who in his Omnipotence created the world and shall maintain it until doomsday, day of the Last Judgement.

3. The Qur'an is a verbal relevation of divine origin
Muslims believe that God periodically sent prophets to mankind in order to transmit His message, down to the last one of them, Muhammad, "seal of prophethood", in the 7th C.E.. The Quraan is the authentic word of God bestowed on Muhammad and explained by him. His sayings and model behavior have been preserved in the Prophet´s Sunnah (tradition). Both together form the fundamental bases of the Islamic creed, law, and life style.

4. We believe all prophets of God
Muslims equally respect all who preceded Muhammad, including Moses and Jesus. They are convinced that the Qurlan restored and confirmed pure monotheism as the fundamental truth not only held by Abraham but by all messengers of God.

5. All people are accountable on the Day of Judgment
Muslims believe that man, in as much as he enjoys free will, is responsible for his actions and accountable for them on the Day of Judgment.

6. Male and female Muslims share the same purpose in life
Muslims, male or female alike, share the same task in life: To recognize God, to serve Him, and to obey His commands. This will also help to assure equality, freedom, justice, compassion, and prosperity on earth.

7. The five pillars of Islam
Main duties of Muslims are the five pillars of Islam: The confession of faith; prayer (five times daily); fasting during the month of Ramadan; paying religious taxes (zakat), and going on pilgrimage to Makkah.

8. Islam is creed, ethical norms, social order, and way of life
Islam is neither a purely otherworldly religion nor one focusing too much on worldly affairs. Rather it teaches a middle-of-the-road approach. Being oriented towards God, Muslims are theocentric. However, they are seeking the best of both worlds. Therefore, Islam simultaneously is a creed, ethical norms, social order, and a way of life. Wherever they are, Muslims are expected actively to contribute to the common good and to show solidarity with their brothers and sisters in faith, world-wide.

9. Islam is not out to abolish affluence
Islam is not out to abolish affluence but rather to abolish poverty. Indeed, Islam protects private property while recognized its obligation towards the common weal and the ecological environment. Also, it encourages the spirit of initiative of responsible entrepreneurship.

10. Islamic Law is relevant for Muslims in the Occident
Muslims can live anywhere in the world, provided they can fulfill their fundamental religious duties. As a matter of principle, Islamic jurisprudence obliges Muslims in the Occident to respect, and abide by, the local legal order. Against this background, asking for, and accepting, a visa, a permit of residence or a foreign nationality are considered as contracts to be respected by the members of a Muslim minority.

11. Muslims accept the basic legal order guaranteed by the Constitution
Whether German citizens or not, the Muslims represented by the Central Council (ZMD) accept the basic legal order of the Federal Republic of Germany as guaranteed by its Constitution, provididing for the rule of law, division of power, and democracy, including a multi-party system, universal suffrage and eligibility, and freedom of religion. Therefore they accept as well everybody´s right to change his religion, to have another religion, or none at all. The Qurean forbids any compulsion or coercion in matters of faith.

12. We do not seek to establish a clerical theocracy
We do not aim at establishing a clerical theocracy. Rather we welcome the system existing in the Federal Republic of Germany where State and religion harmoniously relate to each other.

13. There is no contradiction between the Islamic doctrine and Western core human rights
There is no contradiction between the divine rights of the individual, anchored in the Qurhan, and the core right as embodied in Western human rights declarations. We, too, support the intended protection of individuals against an abuse of State power. Islamic law demands equal treatment of what is identical and permits unequal treatment of what is not identical. The command of Islamic law to observe the local legal order includes the acceptance of the German statutes governing marriage and inheritance, and civil as well as criminal procedure.

14. Being impregnated by the Judeo-Christian- Islamic heritage and the Enlightenment
Europeans culture resulted from the classical Hellenistic- Roman heritage, the Judeo-Christian-Islamic one, and the Enlightenment. In fact, European culture has been heavily influenced by Islamic philosophy and civilization. Also during the current transition from modernity to post-modernity Muslims are ready to contribute decisively to the overcoming of contemporary crises. This includes their Quroanically demanded commitment to religious pluralism, their unconditional rejection of racism and chauvinism, as well as their wholesome way of life that shuns any form of addiction.

15. It is necessary to form a European Muslim identity
The Qur'an repeatedly calls upon people to make use of their power of reasoning and their faculties of observation. In that sense, the message of Islam is rationalistic, a fact which saved Islamic history from any serious clash between religion and science. It is in keeping with this tradition that we support a contemporary reading of the Islamic sources which takes into account both the particular problematics of contemporary issues and the development of a properly European Muslims identity

16. Our interests and activities are focused on Germany
The Central Council (ZMD) is mainly dealing with matters concerning Islam and Muslims in Germany and German society as a whole, without neglecting their links with the Islamic world. For the local Muslim population Germany is the focal point of their lives, interests, and activities.

17. Reduction of prejudices through transparency, open-mindedness, and dialogue
The Central Council (ZMD) considers it to be one of its most important tasks to create confidence on which to base a constructive coexistence of the Muslim population with the majority and other minorities. This requires a reduction of the prevailing prejudices through information, transparency, open-mindedness, and dialogue.

18. We are responsible for all of society
The Central Council (ZMD) feels responsible for society in its entirety. Together with other social groups it therefore endeavors to make a significant contribution towards more tolerance, better ethical behavior, as well as an effective protection of the environment and of animals. The Central Council (ZMD) deplores the violation of human rights wherever and whenever this occurs. Thus it is a partner in the fight against religious discrimination, xenophobia, racism, sexism, and violence.

19. To integrate while maintaining the Islamic identity
The Central Council (ZMD) promotes an integration into society of the Muslim population which will not be detrimental to their Islamic identity. Therefore it supports all efforts for a better minority command of the German language and for better access to German citizenship.

20. Dignified life in the midst of society
In addition, the Central Council (ZMD) assumes the task of assuring, together with all other Islamic institutions in Germany, that the Muslims here lead a dignified Islamic way of life within the realm of the Constitution and the existing legal order.
This implies, e.g.,

- introduction of Islamic religious instruction into the school system, to be - provided in German,
- establishment of academic professorships for the university education of - teachers of Islam and imams,
- permission of the building of mosques in down-town areas,
- authorization of the public call to prayer, reinforced by loud-speakers,
- respect by schools and administrations for the Islamic dress code,
- co-option of Muslims into the existing media control bodies,
- implementation of the right to slaughter according to the Islamic ritual as - decided, in 2001, by the Federal Constitutional Court,
- recruiting Muslim imams into the chaplain´s corps of the armed forces,
- Muslim religious assistance in hospitals and social institutions,
- official protection of the two Muslim religious holidays,
- providing cemeteries, or sections thereof, for Islamic burial.

21. Political neutrality
The Central Council (ZMD) is politically neutral. Muslims entitled to vote will give their ballot to those candidates who support their rights and aims most strongly and show the greatest comprehension of Islam.

Hamil enggak ya...(?)

Hari Sabtu, aku ma mas anno jalan ke apotheke deket rumah, beli test pack. Udah rencana dari kemarin mo beli, tapi nunggu mas anno pulang. Abis dari apotheke, trus ke HL Markt beli pudding, nasi goreng, ma bakmie goreng. Hari itu dingin, anginnya kenceng banget *hicks* Nyampe rumah, makan siang sambil nonton film. Abis tu, mainan orgen, aku ga bisa loh :) Aku bingung mo cek hari itu apa nunggu beberapa hari lagi. Akhirnya nekad cek pake test pack. Dan ternyata... hasilnya...aku positive. Sempet ga percaya deh. Bengong ampe beberapa lama, ampe sadar trus keluar kamar mandi, cengar cengir sendiri. Aku hamil (?) Begitulah tiap saat hatiku bertanya, abis tu senyum senyum sendiri. Aku seneng banget, ampe ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Hunny...aku hamil (?) :D

The Road to Mecca

von Muhammad Asad - ab EUR 15,26

Born in the Polish-Austrian city Lemberg as a son of a Jewish family strikes it the author in the 20's of the last century as a korrespondent of the Frankfurt newspaper in approaching and the middle east. On its search for the kind fitting for him to live it meets thereby the Arab society at present the establishment of the State of Saudi Arabia by king Ibn Saud, whose personal friend becomes he. It is fascinated and attraction by it and some other men, whom it meets there and falls in love with the Arab way of life as deeply coined/shaped by the challenge of the desert landscapes. The civilization of the "evening country" appears to it before this background ever more than futile and flattens, sunk into the Anbetung of power and wealth than "new Gods". It discovered gradually the Islam for itself as source of mirror-image-ritual illuminating and professes itself finally to the Muslim faith. The book was written to 1952, as Asad (its birth name is not called in the book) envoy of Pakistan at the United Nations was already and describes in the review of the yearly 1932 its development process during the 20's. The report gives an informative interior opinion of a man, to who the values of the evening country had to say nothing more and which found brother shank in the Islam, which satisfied its need after affiliation feeling. The message Islam (devotion at Gott)erweckt in it the love for the life in its entireness and becomes a passionate confession equality and justice on ground connection, as God demand on humans. At the point of sex conditions I am not able to follow it however any longer, because also those are satisfyingly regulated for him in the Koran, although he opposes itself the unjustified demand to marry a eleven-year old girl. It does not reflect expressly the function Islam as a patriarchalischen religion, which replaced and to the Entmachtung of the women led the old nut/mother right in Arabia. It calls the admiration of the large goddess aluminium-Lat existing in Arabia up to the time of the Propheten Muhammad "unbestimmte(), vage() Naturanbetung" and does not know also the origin sanctify around of the Kaaba as a temple of the large goddess.

Hari kemarin,

Bangun pagi, ngopi and sarapan roti trus fotocopy surat dari KBRI. Mandi, dandan, trus beres beres kertas di meja makan yang masi berantakan, gara gara nyari Steuerkarte nya mas Anno yang ternyata ga tau nyelip dimana. Call ke hp nya mas Anno, ternyata ga aktiv, ya udah cabut deh.

Diluar dingin, -3 derajat celcius. Untung aku bawa kaos tangan ma schal juga...hueheuhue...kaca mobilnya ketutup es, aku bersihin sebentar, sampe gemeteran nih :P

Pertama ke Verbandgemeinde, nyerahin surat dari KBRI. Mampir ke Aldi Markt, belanja :P abis tu trus langsung ke Kreisverwaltung ngurus perpanjangan visa ku. Parkir mobilnya agak jauh dari Kreisverwaltung, jadi ke sananya jalan...dingin banget.Nyampe kantornya, lumayan anget, trus naik ke lantai 2, bla..bla..bla... bayar 59 Euro, tunggu beberapa menit, visa ku dah jadi....hihihi...ga usah berlama-lama, ga kek di indonesia :D ah, indonesia ku ...Selesai, trus mampir ke Norma Markt, belanja lagi :D aku beli pullover, harganya 11,99 Euro. Trus ke AOK, pas di AOK suhunya 4 derajat Celcius, lumayan anget :) Abis dari situ trus ke Quelle, liat-liat Jacke and sepatu. Balik ke tempat parkir lagi trus nambah jam parkir trus jalan-jalan ke Malioboro *LOL* masuk kesana masuk kesini, setengah jam hampir lewat, mampir ke Asia Markt beli tofu, trus balik lagi mampir beli Bratwurst, makan di mobil...padahal yang mo ngantri parkiran banyak loh...cuek abis *LOL*

Pulang, rasanya capekkkkkkk banget *hicks* pijitin aku dong :P

Our Wedding


Mehr HERZ im Netz - powered by againstchildporn.org


20 September 2003



Click to enlarge Ini parfum sejak pertama aku make dari April 2002 sampe sekarang dah ganti 2 kali. Huhuehuehue...mahal boo...!! tapi harumnya...wow...khas banget, ROSE, aku suka banget nyium baunya. Ga percayà? beli aja sendiri...hihihihi...Sekarang parfumku tinggal dikit, cuma beberapa milli aja, kalo ada rizki ntar beli dah *LOL*

Guten Tag (?)

Wah, ternyata dah Dezember :P Aku jarang sekali posting, abis gimana se ya...uummm, males juga se...hihihihi, ga tau napa deh ih. Oh ja, tadi pagi aku masak nasi goreng, sekali kali pengen masak ndiri, sayang ga ada hunny, jadi cuma aku ndiri yang makan...enak loh :P Ntar kalo hunny datang, aku coba masakin deh, not only telor ceplok but also nasi goreng...huehuehue... YuMMii!!! Rencana nih, kalo dah punya dapur ndiri, aku pengen coba masak2 berbagai macam makanan dan kue kue. Hihihi...gimana ya, keknya asik gitu loh. Btw, sekarang aku gi doyan makan banget ampe berad badan naik, kebanyakan makan coklat apa yah, oder bratwurst(?) hahahaha...schmack schmeckt gut loh :) Sabtu kemarin jalan2 ma Hunny, Ferry und Cristian ke kota, muter2 masuk ke beberapa toko, tadinya aku pengen nyari mangga, akhirnya mangga aku dapat di HL Markt. Sempet juga masuk ke Douglas, masih experiment cari pengganti parfum Must II De Cartier ku, tapi ternyata ga dapet, ampe ke Mueller pun juga ga dapet hasil, eh...ada ding, parfum Ghost kalo ga salah, bau nya dikit menarik untukku, tapi ga bisa dibandingin ma Cartier ku *hicks* bener2 ga bisa ke lain hati (sorry Hunny). Malemnya kita jalan ke Nikolaus Markt, ga jauh dari rumah, apalagi yang dibeli selain bratwurst :D trus abis tu mampir ke rumah Cristian, disitu ada Ferry, Cristian, Martin, Marcus, Mario und...yang satu lagi aku lupa namanya :D ( Carsten, kata My Hunny)
Oh ya, waktu Hunny pulang kemarin aku dibawain Kalender Advent, kalender khusus untuk bulan Dezember, untuk Natal...isinya coklat...uhuiii...tiap hari makan coklat bisa gemuk *LOL* Hmmm, pengen makan mangga nih...(AWAY)

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